Wednesday, January 12, 2011


every 90 seconds complete the following for 3 rounds each:

75# press x 5
hspu x 3

95# press x 4
hspu x 3

115# press x 3
hspu x 3

135# press x 2
hspu x 3

155# press x 1
hspu x 3

score is total press reps

1 comment:

  1. 44

    This was an industrial evaluation determining vertical regard for hydraulic prowess by demonstrating cooperative piston strength. Each machine and related components were tested under escalating loads and specific time constraint to improve ability and function. The implementation of constant peripheral obstruction was a built-in measuring device, screening operational capacity under repeated strain. Equipment use is rarely clinical, as such; testing procedures should be designed to openly accommodate plausible disaster. Without welcoming potential pitfalls the process of refinement is evaded through accepted proficiency.
