Wednesday, January 12, 2011


10 mtr max load chain drag 
establish max load; then perform three drags with max rest
10 mtr d-bell transfer 
80, 85, 90, 95, 100# d-bells
farmers carry in ascending order there
then start over at 80 for the return trip
carry, sprint, carry sprint, etc. 
as fast as possible

1 comment:

  1. Today's opinion piece from the editorial desk of mixed perspectives: Talking points or shouting points?
    How much does the chain train weigh? Does it really matter compared to the capability it ultimately elicits? When will this antiquated paradigm or focus on ill import dissolve into the annals of comedic history? Why is self-gratification and external validation so imperative that it dilutes the ostensible reasons for which we train? Functional fitness has never been so dysfunctional. Feel free to use this quote. It will endure until final rectification.
    There will come a day when all gym equipment will be rendered useless. As it stands, functional fitness straddles a barbed wire fence with balls so mangled by extraneous factors that neither the gym nor simulated nature suits the true needs of the schizophrenic and physical philosopher. We all know that fitness found in nature or the shipyards or back alleys will never compare to the sterilized accomplishment of conventional sports. The pedantic athlete should not be voted most likely to survive in nature as the slightest deviation from protocol will invariably have exponential repercussions. Simple logic questions the need for a sledge hammer simulator when we could just swing the sledge hammer. Functional movements are found in nature; not the gym. Why simulate something that is not only available but free? Weather conditions are no excuse. Work outs exist to do in the rain, in the cold, in the heat or on the water. The conditions aren't the problem. It's the lack of ideas and ability to adapt. Fitness is found in nature; not the gym. Nature and associated movements will build the ideal amount of muscle mass needed for precision adaptation. The excess acquired in the gym is detrimental to extreme conditions and creates a disproportional need for fuel. Furthermore, the predictability of conventional ideas and movements create commensurate outcomes and results. The psychological effects of available date coupled with simple minded expectations haunts our self-fullfilling prophecy thereby constraining prospects for growth and expansion beyond manufactured expectations. Globo gyms used to be the running joke but the truth is that most, if not all gyms are just as humorous. What do gyms do that one's survival instincts can't do?
    Is this absurd? Hypocritical? Balderdash? Gobbledegook? Yes, yes, and yes. But the argument still stands and isn't going anywhere any time soon.
    The purpose of the chain train was to explore the anaerobic world with austere equipment. The benefit of the chain is that it employes the entire body while demanding execution from a variety of planes and angles; more so than any conventional movement that uses a predictable range of motion. The final load required micro tugs to travel the entire difference.
    The dumbbells finally found good use. Intended purpose if probably the worst use for most conventional equipment. The transfer task was probably the most fundamental concept of work found in the fitness arena. This task or any of the infinite variations thereof would make great competition events. Simple, gross motor skills, and easy to score.
