Saturday, January 8, 2011


parking lot plow
tire carry
chain drag
120# over head axle carry
10 mtr 12 min emom
4 station rotation; 3 x per station
no rest 
20 mtr 12 min emom
same rotation
2 min rest
30 mtr 24 min e2mo2m
same rotation
rest 5 min
individual effort:
perform each movement for 30 mtr distance
sprint 30 mtrs back to each tool



    1. Sitting at a traffic light waiting for signal to change. Daydreaming about putting together the next wod, should it be this movement coupled with that movement. The combinations are endless, reminds me of the movie "a beautiful mind". Suddenly a honking horn from astern, lets go buddy.

  2. Band of brothers, mutineers, or just honest pirates trying to make a living? Either way, the task still stands: surviving the vivisection at the hands of bones the butcher. The most daunting task of any great butcher is trimming the fat from the boneless cuts of a good program. Thin slices of the soul should be left naked to be seared and served to the voracious appetite of evolution. The oblique angle of this meat cutting party left the skin splayed open, the heart pounding desperately to escape its marrow composite cage, and blood levels toxic from ruptured effort.
    The evolving distances transformed the asphalt cutting board into a bloody time machine, slowly draining the life from otherwise robust rest periods. The slow trickle of fortitude coupled with exponential demands was the perfect anesthesia, numbing any sense of reason or objection to the individual effort.
    While the concept of functional fitness continues to elude the masses, draped in the cloak of deception, and watered down for consumption, the butcher stands ready at the carving table, blunt objects in hand, and ready to impose his will.

  3. As one of the human pieces of meat involved in this tenderizing process I can attest to validity and graphic explanation posted here by the 324 Butcher!
