Tuesday, December 28, 2010


bench press/muscle ups, muscle ups/bench press
8/8, 8/8
6/6, 6/6 
4/4, 4/4
5 min rest intervals

1 comment:

  1. The inconsistent ability to deploy sufficient strength on this mission was duplicitous, disloyal, and untrustworthy at best, the hallmark of an intelligence operation gone awry. While demonstrating an abrasive but workable relationship on the initial interaction, the muscle ups ultimately proved to be the real saboteur, robbing the bench press of its ability to counter the irreparable damage and absconding reps on the final two sets.
    Weight was not prescribed in the op order due to the experimental nature and unpredictable consequences. Plausible deniability is not an option in this organization. Body weight may be sufficient for some while 75% 1rm may be better for others. 205# was used and the final rep of the final two iterations was missed. Like extracting information from an unknowing organization, the ability to extract critical oomph from a pre-fatigued multi joint movement is essential for success. The concept of operations has potential but still needs to be screened for bugs and the most suitable movements.
