Friday, December 31, 2010


30 mtr tire carry x 40
two per team
20 per person
rest while other works (1:1)

1 comment:

  1. The duel has been practiced for centuries in Western societies, pitting one opponent against another with evenly matched weapons. We’ve since progressed from the use of pistols and warships to more forgiving weapons. Although unofficial and not as deadly, the duel has an appropriate place in this world of self-revelation. Physical confrontations as well as the defense of one’s honor or pride can be more effectively settled with the tools of our trade. The rules are simple. Establish agreed upon rules and proceed until one fails or concedes defeat while avoiding contravention of said rules. Even though each duel produces a clear winner and loser, the mutual benefits of battle clearly outweigh the gratification of winning. In the end, both duelers agreed to stop at 20. This concept should only be used with the same rigor as competition, i.e. being prepared to suffer the aftermath of failure and apportion the appropriate recuperation time; otherwise, tap out and live to fight another day.
