Wednesday, May 12, 2010


double unders x 100
185# g2oh x 5
double unders x 75
155# g20h x 10
double unders x 50
135# g20h x 15
double unders x 25

for time


  1. turbo. 8:01

    In keeping with 324’s tradition, increase the load. Incremental skyward adjustments must be made with proper consideration. Weight selection needs to align with objectives. Spending the remainder of your day intermixing failed attempts with rest does little for intensity. However, if a productive cyclic rate can be achieved in upper echelons, then vocation is amplified. In confines of this rep scheme, my capability to move the chosen weight vice RX did not detract from intensity. In fact, it was beneficial in generating additional power output.

  2. Today is a do your fav girl or makeup day and this has been tempting me for a couple days since I saw it over on CFJ. 1500 will be go time and then coach the kids. Will report back for the Benchmark boards.

    Shawn Nocatee

  3. I finally got around to doing the varsity load WOD. I figured I had better save a little energy because I attended the O-lift cert this weekend in Lakeland. I saw Dr J. down there and he was honing in his technique.

    I did Nocatees Wod first then 10 min rest and loaded the bar and went for it.

    Nocatee Wod was
    500 meter row
    then 21,15,9 of K2E, 2 POOD american swings, and Box jumps
    then 400 meter run (Due to bad rain I rowed 500)


    10 min rest then varsity load WOD. The body was depleted of O2 and muscles were tired from the first WOD but I was able to push through and finish. Double unders are a big weakness of mine but I am learning the ropes pretty quick.

    As Rx'd 11:22

    Shawn Nocatee

