Thursday, December 10, 2009

150# fat bar bench press x 9
135# hang power cleans x 6
L-pull ups x 3
10 rnds for time
Learn to appreciate the elements.


  1. 17:22
    This wod hit my grip is a variety of ways. I'm sold on the fat bar. Going from fat to skinny is the difference between throwing a baseball after a bowling ball. Back to DC tomorrow.

  2. 172bw. "the masacre" 59:03 (mod ring dips for mu)
    I got to the mu at 53:09 and spent the next 5 minutes just trying to get one. Failed. Failed. and Failed again. So it was on to the ring dips. I didn't think I'd get all 25 but I thought maybe 4-5 before I had to mod. In the end I'm glad to have done the work and now know that even though I can do muscle ups, I can NOT do them when fatigued. Useful information.

  3. i didnt have a fat bar so i substituted the 150# fat bar for two 75 lbs dumbbells. This was obviously still harder than simply using a standard bar at 150 lbs.

    The hang cleans were definitely what slowed my tempo. this destroyed my forearms! once i finished i could barely farmer's carry the dumbbells back to the rack without dropping them in the middle of the gym.

    end result: 14::28

  4. Nice job Clint! I think it took me eight to ten minutes to complete the muscle ups.
    For a suitable substitute for the fat bar check out fat gripz. Strong forearms will make you better at everything.

  5. oh sorry, "anonymous" was bill
