Given a choice of purgatory to cast upon my enemies, ball slams and pull-ups for eternity would suffice. If you’ve never experienced this combination, I can only assume the prevailing reputation for suffering lead to avoidance. Beyond the apparent conflicting nature of the movements, nothing immediately observable explicates the almost instantaneous seizure like response. Evidenced by the impressive sets of 10 total pull-ups in succession executed in the final minutes. Even steady pacing with the slams leaves 35-40 seconds to tally points on pull-ups, but offers no relief. As time passes, breaking double digits is a task in itself.
ReplyDeleteNot sure if you wanted both excersices in the same minute, or keep them seperate. I did them seprate.
6th minute; 30/20/15/15/10/10
ReplyDeleteGiven a choice of purgatory to cast upon my enemies, ball slams and pull-ups for eternity would suffice. If you’ve never experienced this combination, I can only assume the prevailing reputation for suffering lead to avoidance. Beyond the apparent conflicting nature of the movements, nothing immediately observable explicates the almost instantaneous seizure like response. Evidenced by the impressive sets of 10 total pull-ups in succession executed in the final minutes. Even steady pacing with the slams leaves 35-40 seconds to tally points on pull-ups, but offers no relief. As time passes, breaking double digits is a task in itself.