Tuesday, August 24, 2010


135# hang power cleans x 10
pull ups x 20
135# hang power cleans x 10
push ups x 30
135# hang power cleans x 10
sit ups x 40
135# hang power cleans x 10
rest 3 min
2 mile (tire drag) run


  1. 5:27, 18:22
    Fail to perform the periodic maintenance on any high performance machine and risk eroding into a squalid state of disrepair. Maintenance checks are the building blocks forming the foundation of performance. The highest level of readiness demands the most attention to detail. A simple function check is inadequate for exploiting the minute cracks and fissures that threaten to rob us of victory.
    The hang power clean was coupled with basic body weight movement in order to test the breakdown of the key points of performance by inducing varying degrees of fatigue. Movements were performed as fast as form would allow. Reset on every rep, shoulders past the bar, lats tight, weight in the heels, explode at the hip pockets, shrug, big chest, break hips, receive bar, extend. The use of sound form will increase longevity. Flicking the weight up and down for speed does nothing to cultivate skill and increase the amount of weight one is able to lift.
    With weapons at the ready and battle stations manned, DDG-324 is standing by and ready to deploy.

  2. Mike did this workout with just push up's. Thanks to my last couple of workouts my hands and tail bone are pretty torn up. Needed the work though, excellent work out. Thanx
