Tuesday, April 6, 2010


325# x 12
345# x 9
365# x 6
385# x 3
405# max reps in succession

1 comment:

  1. turbo. rx. 5 @ 405#

    Load the bar and call for backup. Initiate the troop surge with thirty warm-up reps for the lower body battalion. You can continually search for the awe inspiring and equally imposing 1RM, but it’s the “leg” work that fortifies the foundation for max efforts. No time to discuss strategy; just lift the weight. Tax the posterior chain (I've included the table below for scaling; up or down), then request a full-scale assault at ~90% of your 1RM. The opening sets provide illumination; the final stage turns out the lights. Managing five consecutive touch and go reps at 405# had me gazing into oxygen-depleted darkness searching for the Big Dipper. Go ahead, scour the Milky Way, there's no known substitute for heavy deadlifts. So, call your family, friends, and the Army Reserve, there’s strength in numbers.

    % of 1RM:
    70% x 12
    75% x 9
    80% x 6
    85% x 3
    90% max reps in succession
