Tuesday, April 6, 2010


shoulder press x 3
push press x 3
split jerk x 3

5 rnds with 1 min rest


  1. In a circumspect attempt to vivisect the jerk the first two movements were used for nothing more than cannon fodder, slowly suffocating combustion and demanding a semblance of survival in the end. One minute was sufficient rest for maintaining sufficient longevity while simultaneously dulling the sharp edges of comfort. This is an effective trio for meeting specific objectives vis-a-vis adapting to the specific changes demanded by each movement. Proper execution requires the most advantages grip and rack position. When playing with light weight one size fits all but as the load increases so should attention to detail. Just as propellant serves to launch a mortar the same as it does a 16" projectile the raw ingredients used to press a weight over head do the same to push, jerk, and pull. Specific weapons have specific demands just as specific tools have particular uses. This doesn't mean you can't use a shovel to clobber an enemy but better options exist.
    Progress demands that we seek and destroy the blood sucking remoras that slow and stifle a wide open throttle (WOT) approach to world domination.

  2. and to think this seemingly simple effort wouldn't, or may not be, accompanied by a video...
    looking forward to seeing more issues of 324 where the super powers of solista and turbo continue to relenquish the mediocrity and complacency of mortal programmers and their one size fits all solutions to self improvement.
