Wednesday, April 7, 2010


start: row 500 mtrs/50 double unders
ascend 250 mtrs/25 double unders per rung
1250/125 etc.
finish: 30 min
objective: go as far as possible in allocated time limit


  1. 1500 mtrs/56 DUs
    Goal was a complete 1500 rung. Three trip ups impeded my accomplishment. This is the price of rushing success and allowing a modicum of frustration to turn into a leviathan of failure. Besides doing the first set straight through, every set was broken after doing a full set of 40 and then 35 and so on, using 75 as my departure point to turn it on. The only regret is getting there too fast and then taking too much rest. DUs are the crux in this synergistic combination of bad and worse. Rowing was consistent with a pace range of 145-155 with a stroke rate range from 31-24. As the flux converter slowly decayed and impeded turn over, the inverter kicked in and generated more power while sacrificing strokes.
    Total row 5K
    Total DUs 406
    In the true spirit of competition, strategy, and determination this combination provided the platform needed to reach deep into the bag of tricks and do both right and wrong, ultimately learning, growing, and finding the winner and loser, and pitting the two against each other for an epic battle of will. Every stop in momentum constituted a minute drift from victory. Funky, impromptu methodology will not be sufficient for achieving longevity in this combo. It is designed to exhaust the strength that is generally used to compensate for technique. The only law governing the ascension up the mad ladder is the law of attrition.

  2. turbo. rx. 1500m/150 DU’s

    An angry man is best suited for the likes of a mad ladder. Use the rungs of frustration to seize productivity and the footholds of adrenaline for ascension. Careful, the pitch will increase quickly. Take up slack and conserve your energy, this climb compels endurance. Nourish the body with a slow-drip of the mind’s merciless proclivity for pain. Open the flow rate too fast and suffer perpetual fatigue-induced downshifts.

    Holding back is the most difficult part. The opening round acting as a warm-up just feeds desire for full throttle acceleration. Enticing and efficient as they appear, large unbroken clusters of double unders lead to sizeable uninterrupted periods of rest. Slow it down Speed Racer, 1:52-1:55/500m averages and consistent sets of 20-25 double unders with minimal rest will keep the motor running. This lap pacing enabled a sprint to the finish, completing the final portion of the ladder with ~10 seconds to spare.

  3. Steve C. 1250m row and 125 d/u rnd completed.

    My obvious weakness with d/u's was once again exposed.

  4. At the fire station today so I did the mad ladder WOD and I was tough for just learning the DU. Good Stuff.

    1250 row complete and 85 DU.

    Crossfit Nocatee

  5. Modified: Subbed 400m Run for 500m Row and added 200m each round.

    400m Run/50 DBUs
    1200m Run/150 DBUs
    400m of next round


    4400m Run / 500 DBUs

    Interesting workout. Thanks for the inspiration.

  6. Nice adaptation! The idea, as it should, inspired other plans and one was to use the same principle on the track adding 400 mtrs per round. One idea begets another and evolution does its job, inspiring progress and quality where others stop.
