Wednesday, April 14, 2010


500 mtr row
50 sit ups
500 mtr row
40 sit ups
500 mtr row
30 sit ups
500 mtr row
20 sit ups
500 mtr row
10 sit ups

on a 400 mtr track:
400 mtr run/40 double unders
800 mtr run/80 double unders etc.
as far as possible in 30 min.

1 comment:

  1. If you were woken early this morning by an incessant pounding and howling winds it wasn't due to natural conditions; rather, it was the pounding of my feet while cajoling the earth into submission as it slowly rotated beneath my feet. The sucking vacuum sound emanating from my lungs was powerful enough to purge the toxic sludge from the red gold rushing through my system, burning it up and expelling it as carbon dioxide. One man's trash is another plant's treasure. The DUs kept the O2:CO2 partial pressure in a constant state of flux while the capillaries worked over time trying to keep up with the metabolic demands of earth moving inertia. A frantic phrenic nerve attacked the diaphragm with spurious firing signals preventing the cadillac comfort of rhythmic breathing.
    I found this configuration to be more of a challenge than the row/DU combo. Although I fancy the rower I'm still sitting down. Running doesn't allow one to coast or lower stroke rate but increase power output to compensate. There is nothing but primordial instinct when fleeting on foot. You are either chasing or getting chased down. No grey area. Win or lose. Stop or go. Quit or persevere. Your choice.
