Tuesday, April 13, 2010


1-10 ladder
155# g2oh

1 round of:

5 pull-ups
10 push-ups
15 air squats

following each segment

for time


  1. one question...
    how fast did you THINK you could get it done?

  2. well done! I have something to do today!!!

  3. That's a bad ass wod did about a month ago after I saw the video on the main site. My time was right at 21:00 and I've been wanting to try it again. I believe I will. That's good work Turbo.

    Shawn from crossfit Nocateee

  4. turbo. rx. 15:17

    This is the Spealler v. Kalipha wod from one of those red shirt circus outings. Make no mistake, regardless of origin; it’s a monkey’s fist to the groin. Finding sustainable output is the key ingredient, to fast or hard on one component, and good luck finishing in less than 20 minutes. I did my best to locate a steady pace with both the barbell and bodyweight. Think efficiency on the overhead, dip drive, or dead loss, the latter rounds require conservation early. The most intriguing and daunting aspect of the workout was an increasing rep ladder. The rounds at 9 and 10 are abhorrent. Just keep stepping up to the bar, like a career alcoholic with an unlimited credit card.

    There is a video out these athletes participating in this workout somewhere online. Both finished faster, Spealler: 12, Kalipha: 14 something. Clint, to answer your question, I figured in the 13-15 minute range. Depends on the day of the week. Rob, some guess work here on how fast to move, but I certainly didn’t walk out carrying any ammo.

  5. Appreciate it Shawn. That was everthing I had on 13APR2010 at 1600.

  6. Done! 16:30 rx. It took me a lot longer to get my ass up und go home! ;-P
