Thursday, February 11, 2010


185# squat cleans
muscle ups
-3 min. rest-
155# thrusters
ring pull ups
-3 min. rest-
135# sdlhp
ring dips

continuos running clock; subtract six minutes of rest


  1. Scaled to 155-135-115
    14:04 work time (rest subtracted)

    Wish you could have made it Mike. It's an odd feeling and a surreal experience to walk in that door and stand in this space for the first time when I've peered thru the window for so long. Good people / hard work.

  2. turbo. rx. 7:09

    Like a custody proceeding, here, permission for visitation is earned. In this courthouse, your rights are acquired through the legal channels of effort. Today would be no exception. Walking through the door can be unsettling, standing to face the charges requires fortitude, and sentencing is never lenient. CFJAX is the judge, an omnipresent arbiter, presiding over a court focused on nondiscriminatory distribution of physical suffering. With representatives from The Shop in town to face the gavel… Justice will be served.

    This triple couplet mash-up of barbells and bodyweight is all about power output. Rep schemes are brief and rest is long enough to maintain flank speed throughout. Keeping all the bodyweight movements on the rings was an interesting concept. I noticed substantial difference in difficulty by the time I reached the ring dips, as muscle recruitment for stabilization on the rings had taken its toll. Heavy thrusters have become a staple; 95# no longer has much appeal. My growing confidence with the movement over 135# is paying off; I handled each set unbroken. I firmly believe steadily increasing loads relative to personal capacity in metcon programming is the expeditious road to increased power output. Without upping the ante, speed becomes a matter of efficiency through economy of motion, rather than the raw horsepower generated by the internal power plant.

  3. I consider myself served! Just as all of you watching should. If your soft belly rumbles at the thought of standing trial then open your ears to the deep bowel shaking earthquake to whom the challenge speaks. Only the most despotic mind can stifle the free speech of the challenge-seeking spirit that lives deep within. The court of conscience will have its day lest temerity demand liberation of charges thereby granting you immunity. Being on trial is better than being a spectator. The gavel sounds! Stand up and face the music!

    I wish I could be there. For a while I wished I could be here compared to where I've been. Anyway, I just got back and will be standing up my own court tomorrow where I will be standing trial as well as serving as judge, jury, and executioner. Unprecedented inquiries into the nature of physical law will set a new standard for lower courts to follow. I expect riots, rumbles, mental and physical disobedience. Consider this a writ of certiorari!
