Friday, February 12, 2010


clean + jerk 1rm / c + j skill development


500m row

double unders x 30
225# ground to overhead x 1

max rounds in 18 minutes


  1. 4 rounds at 175 and a few meters into the 5th before time ran out. Finished the 5th with some resemblance of a knowledge of the double under. Thought I had that basic movement down but my lack of experience with the lighter speed ropes proved to eliminate my confidence. Other than rope length, I believe one should be able to string together 20-30 double unders while in the middle of any combination regardless of the rope weight or material. That wasn't the case today so it's something else to add to the list of humbling experiences while here in JAX. Things are unfolding with future gains in mind and the knowledge that current dissapointments will give birth to a more efficient machine. That's why were here, break it down, tear up the blueprint, and proceed with a lighter load carrying only what works. It would be short sighted to make it out of this court and from in front of these judges without being handed a sentence. The only thing left to be determined is it's severity and length.

  2. turbo. rx. 5 rnds. + 11 DUs

    The spaceship is at light speed, screaming through the interstellar medium, in route to areas afar from earthly view. Our destination: The regions existing outside the vision of those limited by insufficient means or desire. This exploration into deep space is imparting knowledge and experience to facilitate successful travel for those finding sanctuary in the wake of our afterburners. Cautiously we go forth, fully cognizant of the hazards associated with the mission. The fusion drive is operating at maximum output and phazers are set to total annihilation. While some travelers will be blinded and lured off course by misleading forces in the nebula. Our galactic compass is true. Upon return, our findings will reshape the antiquated structure of the preexisting space station. So dial in your telescope, and with a watchful eye, standby for reentry.

    Simply put, no one is doing this. There is no comparison, benchmark, or standard. This type of workout will be trial and error, a personal investment in research and development. Persistently hammering the 02 repository then mandating strength, skill, and concentration to move heavy loads in technical lifts is not part the programming lecture currently offered by the traveling circus. Instead, find a light load and move it repetitively until physical duress sacrifices all semblance of form. Yeah, this seems much more appropriate. Choose your poison carefully, as I’ve witnessed vast improvement in my ability to move moderate loads by entering a realm where mistakes are punished by fail attempts, not rewarded by misguided confidence. Moving lighter weight certainly has application and benefit. Although, through experience and exposure, I’ve determined increased efficiency is found with substantial weight when maximum power is not being generated.

    This workout illustrates improved efficiency. With a load at approximately 85% of a 1RM, multiple reps are challenging, add 500m row intervals, some double unders, and things get . However, the body’s ability to find efficiency is amazing. The most difficult G2OH was in the first round. The remainder were smooth, specifically the cleans. With labored breathing and lactic accumulation my mind found a way to mitigate effort, tapping only the requisite force needed to pull the bar high enough to catch it in bottom of the front squat. A distinct skill I’ve struggled to achieve.

    This workout was not about rounds completed, it was about pushing limits. Venturing into the unknown, far from the relative security of a bench marked with names.

  3. Steve 198bw. rx. 4 rnds, and an extra one outside of the 18 min. cap to punish whatever little strength I had left. As I stated following this workout, I have never done a wod like this. It was confusing for me to say the least from the very beginning. Rnd.1 row..steady, double unders..not pretty but none the less efficient, and GTO.. miss.. miss.. miss. After the third miss I realized my mental focus must change and trying to blast through for maximum rounds was not going to work. Not to mention this load is only ten pounds off my 1rm, but I am not making excuses. Once the brain and body were back on the same page...success. Only one more miss through the rest of the rounds. If I gained anything from this one it was a realization of what it takes mentally to move loads of this magnitude during a wod or a 1rm for that matter.
