Sunday, February 21, 2010


5k row

for time


  1. turbo. rx. 19:23

    In case you haven’t read the “Deepest Secrets” portion of my profile, I’ve never rowed 5,000 meters for time. Interesting, but not entirely without explanation. Considering my endurance sports background, my aerobic fitness base tends to foster success on longer sustained efforts, specifically when dealing with the rower. On my intermittently selective pursuit of a sub-40 minute 10K, this particular divisor was overlooked.

    With the second coming of the Holocaust scheduled for mid-week, a simple 5K row looked reasonably alluring this morning. Not really sure what to expect, I set my sights on sub-19. In less than 2000m, I established the output necessary to maintain ~1:53/500m pace is aligned with my anaerobic threshold. Similar to my experience in competitive running, I can hold a 6:40 mile all day (or at least 26.2 miles), but at 6:30 I start to enter the low end of the anaerobic zone, significantly decreasing my stay time. Same rules apply for the rower. Pushing the pace only a few seconds faster than my 10K personal best, if only half the distance, left my tongue dragging on the return strokes and lactic acid finding a lounge chair in my legs. Furthermore, like running, each particular distance requires a separate attack strategy. I skipped the OPORD brief and went straight to work.

  2. Just when I was beginning to think your tatoo wasn't really a tatoo and instead reality you go and show that you are in deed human.

  3. Not quite, my fuel cell has a half life of 1000 yrs. Even I can't defeat time, the cell was replaced late last night. Power trials commenced this afternoon, all components operational, weapons systems armed.
