Sunday, February 21, 2010


500 mtr row

1 comment:

  1. 1:21.3 pr
    Damper setting: 10
    The race was started with a quarter stroke. It then took about four strokes to get down to 1:23 and 50 mtrs in. After settle at 1:19 the first seat adjustment was made falling down to 1:23 but then settling again at 1:19. After the second seat adjustment was made and again falling back to 1:23 I had reached subcritical mass whereby energy production was not meeting energy demands. Blood return was made impossible by lactic acid obstructions in the major thorough fares. Operations had to continue despite the deficit. This distance is so short that settling into a groove is possible but doesn't last long. The adjustments may not be necessary. Either way they cost time and being at a premium recovery has to happen in an instant. Performance is definitely a function of fitness but form and technique are necessary for migrating to the next level or for shattering old records with new ones. Next time I plan on using a 22 kilo newton cargo strap to secure my bum to the seat and rule out any excuses.
    It's been a long and twisted chapter in an evolving publication of madness and sorcery; however, it's time for a new chapter to ensue. Changes are afoot.
