Saturday, February 20, 2010


descending ladder 10........1
135# power snatch/overhead squats
24" chump jumps x 30
for time

1 comment:

  1. 16:07
    This was not a well-programmed wod. The weight didn't translate evenly to both exercises and one didn't significantly affect the other. In any other case the aforementioned attributes would generally be a good combination but the snatches were just too much after doing everything else this week. If anyone tries this I would recommend a fresh start and fully recovered low back. A class charlie fire ensued in the lumbar sector of the spaceship severely encumbering determined velocity. The first set almost initiated evasive action which would've demanded an altered or aborted mission. The gravitational tractor beam was too strong for current levels of strength. Resources diminished rapidly and the strategy of maintaining the bar was jettisoned into deep space nine for the more field expedient method of dropping the bar from overhead. A better programmed would might entail lighter weight but double oh squats and stopping at the hang position. I would recommend 95# and use this as a second or third wod. I don't even feel any better at the power snatch. Sometimes it happens. Strength comes from weakness.
