Thursday, May 20, 2010


315# d-lift x 6
70# A k-bell swings x 9
ring dips x 12
every 2 min on the 2 min until ring dip failure


  1. How could or should I describe this concoction? It doesn't really matter.
    After doing a bunch of push press and push jerk because my technique sucks, I took it upon me to redeem myself...

    3 rounds + 7 Ring dips

    Keep up the good work!

  2. the sterile conditions of the laboratory no longer exist
    the threat of the butter knife has been upgraded
    austerity plan has been enacted
    mental field conditions
    extraneous demands
    lack of control
    priority high
    routine no
    paint the sky orange
    demolition operations are in progress
    maximum hazardous motivational distance unlimited
    resistance futile
    destruction imminent
    risk management negligible
    success inevitable

    six complete rounds on an 1/4 tank of gas.
    low on energy
    high on heart
    training in a deficit
    living in a dream
    dreaming of a nightmare
    administer self aid and stay in the fight
