Wednesday, May 5, 2010


warm up
2X body weight d-lift x 1
EMOM: 5 min

315# d-lift/ring dips
for time


  1. turbo. 2:46

    Hoist the BRAVO flag, dangerous cargo onboard. Warship 324’s weapon locker is again laden with high explosives. Lock and load, protection of the free world rests on the deck of the coalition’s cruiser. Three hundred fifteen pound guns firing 30 hamstring crippling cartridges at more than 10 reps per minute. Better run your skiff aground or be party to the search for survivors.

    This is a deadlift workout dictated by course and speed. If you can pull the weight without interruption, plotting waypoints is extraneous. Move at a controlled pace and finish rapidly. However, the slightest inkling of reservation opens a wormhole of possible routes to the final port call. I attempted to make way without break, failing after the ninth rep in the middle round. Hindsight offered varying options to analyze. Break the set of 10 in predetermined numbers or incorporate slightly more rest between the bar and body weight components. Herein lies the intricacy of this program, any break costs time… Which method leads to the fastest finish?

    Benchmark workouts should provide a prolonged appraisal platform, a long-standing comparative basis for improvement or regression. Each established measuring device explicit in the core competencies being tested. Does the ability to decrease times or improve scores necessarily translate to enhanced accomplishment in that area? Is there a terminal point of development, a plateau where heightened results are no longer a product of the desired realm? In the case of uncertainty, dial 324, we keep the drawing board next to the bumper plates.

  2. emomwt: 405
    time: 2:03

    Apologies for a mute video. After finding various circuitous routes to keep the audio attached to the video You Tube has managed to catch on to my scheme and foil all of my attempts. An effort to guard material that is not being used for profit has now disenfranchised those who would've been exposed to, and possibly pursued, the music for their own listening pleasure.

    The range was hot and the firing line was ready with predetermined intervals of volleys. At the risk of a cook off due to unsustained thermal activity the old adage of "smooth is fast" was the order of the day.

    This was an endeavor in smooth and rapid fire dead lifts with integrated rest. The ring dips precluded the possibility of unsustainable effort ending in absolute failure. As the ammunition migrated to the north the south was able to clean weapons and reload for the ensuing battle with gravity. Navigating through this endeavor too quickly would've been risky. A judicious approach ensured immunity from unfriendly fire and maintained the philosophical strategy of a precision strike. March of Company 324 continues through the unforgiving terrain of invisible warfare.
