Saturday, April 3, 2010


250# back squats
c2b pull-ups

for time

-5-min. rest-

w/ a 20# vest
jumping air squats
strict pull-ups

for time


  1. thanks again for the constant barrage of ideas and for continually setting the (new) standard.

    somehow, sooner than later, i gotta get back in that space...

  2. turbo. rx. 9:36/3:36

    Hard boil some back squats and paint them with pastels. This late night conception was modified for the clock. If the Easter Bunny can hop, I’ll do jumping air squats for a basket full lactic flavored acid. The RX weight was a tough decision, I probably could’ve trudged my way through at 275#, but the pace at 250# left the ticker tocking overtime. Chest to bar pull-ups were a real chocolate mess. Considering the constricted upper body position necessary to maintain stability during the back squats, rehabilitating blood flow to the arms was non-existent, leaving each subsequent set of pull-ups melting in the wrapper. Sets of five were all I could manage in the final rounds.

    Take the damage from the initial blitz and compound the interest for the follow on threat. Luckily the rest period offered enough reprieve to revitalize my pulling power and reactivate the pistons. Sets were handled unbroken, years of strict pulls-ups offering a generous rate of return. Note, jumping air squats need to be paced accordingly, failure to comply with prudent speed limits will result in added time on the side of the road.

    For most, Easter weekend is spent trolling for hidden treasures. I don’t like surprises and systematic searching is unnecessary. Just pack my Easter dinner plate with pain; I’ll be back for more.

  3. No worries, the mission statement dictates our course. Progression is halted when forward thinking stops. The status quo is an undesirable retraction from evolution. Standby, we're about launch this thing into the stratosphere.
