Monday, April 26, 2010


full ring pull ups x 3 
97# R-k-bell swings x 1-2-3-4.... until breaking the time barrier


  1. As evidenced by the video the tanker lost pressure during set 16 as structural pressure was slowly overloaded. Blood began to boil and collapse was imminent. In lieu of compromising form and twisting the steel structure into a pretzel for the sake of another rep or two respect for the weight was in order. This overgrown inanimate object has an insidious way of shredding the adhesive spinal fibers and inspiring repentance.
    As we 32forever strive to dabble in nothing less than cutting edge, creative human research and development, it is imperative to relegate ourselves to the sometimes unjust and inhumane combinations of that trickle down from the tip of the evolutionary spear. In keeping with the primary insinuations or foundational philosophies of this type of training it is necessary to continuously cultivate new movements, combinations, set/rep schemes and what ever else stimulates growth and keeps us guessing; hence, this new pull up movement. The kipping pull up used to be hailed for its complexity, merit, and importance but it's since evolved into a butterfly kip that, although novel for its speed rhythm and numbers it stops there. At this point I can't imagine pacifying the ring pull up by adding a butterfly, pirouette, or hale mary.
    The cost/benefits analysis warrants further investigation but it's my contention that building precision strength on the rings is a welcomed reprieve to the same old movements, ripping your shoulders out of the sockets while having a seizure on the bar. More experimentation coming henceforth.

  2. turbo. 15th minute completed.

    No Russian vodka here. Equipment limitations forced modification to 70# American swings. The lighter weight and increased range of motion means a slower cyclic rate. Ascending reps allows ample time at the oxygen bar in early rounds. But hold on, swings increase and rest disappears like sobriety on the Vegas strip. When work amplifies as time advances, pack the physical duress duffle. Things moved smoothly through the 12th minute, sustaining 20-30 seconds reprieve. Battle damage surfaced instantaneously, grip, pulling power, and nuclear fusion walked out the garage door with haste. Complete exhaustion produced 120 swings and 45 full ring pull-ups in 16 minutes.
