Tuesday, March 30, 2010


135# OH squat

max reps

3 attempts + 3 min rest between = total score

1 comment:

  1. 31, 25, 21 = 77
    Lesson learned: The second and third set were easier to shoulder the load; however, the first set spent most of the legs. With sufficient rest it can be surmised that the second set could possibly be more productive than the first. A wobbly load is invariably more often the culprit than gassed legs.
    Solution: A good sub maximal effort prior to the max effort should sufficiently prepare the body for shouldering the load and shifting the burden of performance to the legs.
    Analysis: Take if for what it is. This feat is another circus act that can be trained and specialized just like a sub 3 or 2 fran. It's a combination of various factors and demands a variety of different attributes. Only the subdued determination poised with serenity and confidence will undermine the insidious prospect of premature failure.
