Saturday, September 4, 2010


core requirements:
philosophy 324
analytical snatch practice
starting @ 95#; adding 20# increments 
24kg pull ups
3 reps every min for 3 min
2 reps every 45 sec for 3 min
1 rep every 30 sec for 3 min

1 comment:

  1. Final weight: 205
    The tardy bell is ringing and class is now in session. Fail to do your homework and the platform will administer disciplinary action.
    The analytical foray into one of the most dubious movements continues. With protractor in hand, monocle adjusted, and phasers on stun, the objective of this tutorial was to seek and destroy the minute intricacies that evolve into exponential obstacles. Far from and expert and more like an overzealous aficionado, it is my intention to pick apart the gaping holes that so frustratingly divide success and failure. The nuts and bolts of this complex movement are made from titanium, i.e. fail at the basics and fail miserably. If everything is done correctly then the lift is effortless. The heaviest weight should feel as good as the lightest weight. The only difference is the amount of commensurate force. Although 205 was the final weight it was far from being the final chapter; rather appropriately titled: The New Beginning. Ready for publication and distribution in the elite social circles found in the dark halls of renegade academia.
