Thursday, September 23, 2010


2k row
135# shoulder press 
5x5 2 min rest intervals
100 sit ups


  1. Awesome. Snowed here last night. No snow there.


  2. No, no snow here. No rain, no water, and no motivation except for that which is manufactured in on the 324th parallel. 0430 and the black flag of determination was flying high. With a predetermined pace and carefully calculated insolence a PR was inevitable. The formula is easy. Determine the desired time and row the corresponding pace. The drive from the fly wheel was enough to fan most of the country, offering a slight reprieve from the otherwise oppressive heat. My model for human performance is a threat to the world's oil reserves and associated revenue, threatening companies who depend on sloth and greed to consume their black gold, motoring their way to misery. By the end of this journey I should operating at a consumption rate of about 32 barrels per day, power full and oil free.
