Tuesday, September 21, 2010



min. 1-5: 4 repetitions emom
min. 6-10: 3 repetitions every 30 sec.
min. 11-15: 2 repetitions every 15 sec.

-3 min. rest-

abmat sit-ups

min. 1-5: 9 repetitions emom
min. 6-10: 6 repetitions every 30 sec.
min. 11-15: 3 repetitions every 15 sec.

score is full min. completed

1 comment:

  1. 12th min./15th min.

    Selecting an appropriate means to train HSPUs is difficult. Often utilized in relatively low numbers while accompanying other movements, the grueling nature generally precludes its use as a stand-alone exercise. Max rep sets do little more than solidify total capacity. Finding a manageable format to promote independent improvement requires attention to recovery. The designated scheme allots ample time early, allowing significant repetitions as a result of ample rest. Simply executing HSPUs without considering work to rest ratio only ensure complete muscle fatigue and limited benefit.

    The ensuing portion was on the spot programming. The danger of concocting workouts with alacrity you ask? Answer: Lack of precision. The initial concept was calculated for HSPUs. However, the configuration was quickly deemed to have universal application. But, more thought was necessary to determine the rep scheme. In hindsight, the arranged numbers permitted too much rest for the chosen movement. With greater emphasis on accuracy promoting profit, substitute the following:

    Min. 1-5: 12 sit-ups EMOM
    Min. 6-10: 9 sit-ups every 30 sec.
    Min. 11-15: 6 sit-ups every 15 sec.
