Friday, May 28, 2010


I could spin yarn all day on a motivational tirade aimed to inspire strength, promote action, and incite a call to arms. Truth is… I’m not here to rouse the spirit; pursuit of the crown is self-contained. Don’t look to others or search a database for cause, find it within yourself.

The grail of determination is overflowing with effort… Time to drink up.


  1. Good luck tomorrow Turbo J. I pretty much got my ass handed to me today. But it was a good learning experience for me since it's been 20 years since I competed in an event this big. Tomorrow is a new day.

    Shawn @ Nocatee

  2. Best of luck Turbo...not only tomorrow, but for the whole thing.

  3. Good Luck Turbo J!!!! Let IT out!

  4. @Turbo J
    btw, words do matter. For example: when someone tells you to go **** yourself, you react. Regardless of how you react, you still do.

    Now! Go kick some serious ass and don't even worry about taking some bs names! ;-)

    Play the game to win! Today and tomorrow!
