Thursday, March 18, 2010


365# d-lift x 2
HSPU x 4



  1. 3:52
    The erector set, a fundamental staple in any engineer's developmental stage of athletic ambition. This design comes replete with the rudimentary leverage of the crane and the pushing power of the dozer, sure to elicit the true powers of constructing prowess. The kit comes complete with realistic controls including variable speed and a diminishing gear ratio. Performance is nonstandard and left up to the volition of the user.
    Drive belts are both physical and mental combing into a synergistic force of leveraged capacity.
    Fuel ratio requires a steady state mixture for fueling lower gears and bigger sprockets.
    Roller chains and circumference measurements are driven by energy belts and strain pulleys.
    Assemble components, i.e. horsepower, work, power, time, force, and distance to determine your suitability as a potential test engineer for this enterprise.

  2. I think so but not sure. I haven't done 1rm in some time now. It wasn't bad weight but it wasn't my motivation to rip my spine from my back as much as it was a search for a precision prescription.
