Thursday, March 25, 2010


while wearing a 20# vest
225# back squat x 20
split jumps x 10
225# back squat x 10
split jumps x 20

1 comment:

  1. Unexpected pressure loss in the main supply line compromised compression and ultimately reduced piston drive; hence, a diminishing return on the spark to detonation ratio. A full tank of high octane volition was insufficient to maintain steady power output. Blown rings, valves, and a loss of compression resulted in absolute motor failure. Immune to any semblance of pain and stomping on the gas peddle, there was literally no turn over in the muscles. Fibers detached from bone and tendons and ligaments went on strike. Absolute failure, lack of stability, and loss of balance were all side effects from the high RPM rev. The beauty of the split jump is that a minimum level of horsepower is required for a good turn over unlike the burpee where the body just slows and bogs down in the mire of fatigue. Legs on legs, no rest, no recovery; put the pedal to the mettle and go full bore uphill.
