Thursday, March 4, 2010


155# squat cleans x 5
ring dips x 10

two min rest

135# squat cleans x 10
ring dips x 5

1 comment:

  1. 3:08 (4 rnds only) I've already lectured myself on the merits of maintaining the necessary cerebral qualities required for successful completion of required tasks.
    Since the concept of exploiting an already runaway deficit is so fashionable I decided to incorporate the same philosophy into my training and compound yesterday's core meltdown by removing a few more control rods. If I can train at 100% effort against 80% capacity then a 20% buffer compounded by continued general physical preparedness should invert the debt ultimately resulting in an increase in strength with a decrease in capacity. Of course cashing in too early and violating recovery would result in a hefty tax on predicted gains.
    Part one was smooth less the omitted round, a good precursory edification to understanding the true breadth and destructive nature of the squat clean. 135# is not heavy. It comes off the ground as smooth as a jet souring into the atmosphere. The lactic acid accumulates and breach points start to buckle under the general and acute stress. Down, up, down, and up again. The walls start to cave in while the dark and macabre, otherwise warm and fuzzy, universe implodes from the foul stench of nitrogenous decay. Its only the soul being crushed under the pressure of, not the weight, but the pressure to perform, the obligation to produce, and the spiritual shock of lonely incapacitation. What seems like a second of rest rapidly evolves into an eternity of regret. The lopsided work to rest ration is demoralizing and leaves us bewildered and steadfast devoted to finding new strategies, improved levels of fortitude, and reconstituted answers to why.
