Tuesday, March 30, 2010


8 rounds:

225# bench press x 2
36kg kettle bell swings (american) x 10

for time

step into my world


  1. turbo. rx. 6:13

    Very simple, eight rounds to validate pectoral prominence. Done as a supplemental to the daily CFJ white board wonder, a little extra never hurt, discounting groin strikes. This wod spawned from internal inquiry. Can I still move 225# on a bench press repetitively? Make a decision, question or answer. I think this is called a “No Brainer.” Act; leave the feeble to circle in self-doubt. I paced early, unsure what I’d find on my party plate in latter rounds. As confidence increased, speed followed suit. Bench press reps appearing to levitate like David Blaine. The kettle bells will catch up, but the finish emerges without interruption. I take pride knowing I’m still ready for the combine.

  2. Steph. 100#/45# 4:51

    Took Turbo's feedback and did all 8 sets unbroken with little to no regard of keeping pace. The bench press gave me enough time to let the blood flow back down my arms and vice versa.

  3. 60#/45# 7:08

    Used dumbbells because of a healing shoulder, felt great, but still slow.
