Saturday, February 27, 2010


SITUATION: Continuously routine and antiquated programming running amuck within our AOR. A Joint Inter-Agency Task Force has been assigned tactical control to address the issue.

MISSION: Generate a new platform using established training methods to test the oxidative dimensions and wartime strategy of allied forces. The operation will consist of the following:

2000m row
1 mile run
double unders x 200
pull ups x 100
ring dips x 100
24kg kbs (american) x 100
ohs/sdlhp 95# x 100; 115# x 75; 135# x 50

EXECUTION: Complete these tasks for time. Do so in any order, dividing repetitions/distance as appropriate. Select a prescribed load for the barbell movements and complete the assigned number of repetitions. Only the total number must be achieved, split reps between the bar movements as desired.

ADMINISTRATION & LOGISTICS: Rations should be stockpiled for long term deployment. Medical personnel will double standard morphine supplies.

COMMAND & SIGNALS: This is a joint inter-agency operation, supreme command will lie with 324.

1 comment:

  1. turbo. rx @ 135#. 41:26

    The entire CrossFit philosophy and training program is purportedly based on functional fitness. According to the head astronaut, it promotes “fitness that is, by design, broad, general, and inclusive.” It is these very attributes, along with undeniable results, that have handed CrossFit celebrity status in the military and civil service communities. For within these professions, fitness and survival can be one in the same. To illustrate the merits of their work, weekly certificate manufacturing plants open with a lecture on meeting demands of the unknown and unknowable. Staffers utilize the “Hopper Model” to demonstrate the truly utilitarian nature of the Crossfit athlete. Professing a balanced non-specialized approach to fitness cultivates the ability to perform random athletic tasks with average competence. Sure, however, the means to completing these endeavors are all explicitly defined: Deadlift 400#, 500m row, run 5K, Fran, etc. In a functional environment, objectives may be defined and assignments clear, but the methods, means, and sequence may change based on countless dynamic components.

    This experiment interjected strategy and decision-making by simply identifying tasks without delineating succession or creating a rep scheme. Allowing the individual to choose their path to efficiency based on strengths, weaknesses, and selected tactics. Programming formats to which we have become accustom, define and direct activity, leaving very little to wonder in the realm of the unknown. What is left open-ended by walking into the gym or opening a webpage and reading a workout? Standard programs establishes a prescribed weight (scaled or not; the load is predetermined), order of events, a particular rep scheme and/or distance, and how many times or for how long the tasks will be performed. So, only one indefinite aspect really exists; either the number of times the objective is met (AMRAP), or the total time it takes to accomplish the goal. They remove the necessity to think or make decisions under physical/mental duress. An element of fitness some might find functional.

    Along with a differing format, this creation had another idiosyncratic element. Competition in stock programming transpires as athletes watch one another proceed along a guided route. As time advances, individuals are aware of their place and progress based on the action unfolding around them. In this case, upon the command to begin, participants each went a separate direction, employing a strategy believed to offer them the best chance for success. Looking around at your adversaries and not fully comprehending where you stand is a powerful mind trick. For those mentally equipped, it provides constant pressure on the accelerator, never quite sure if you are first of last.

    Cut and dry programming has its place, allowing the establishment of benchmarks, and continual reassessment of progress. However, the occasional trip into indeterminate space will offer more than just exercise for the body.
