Saturday, February 13, 2010


1 comment:

  1. Each appeal to a higher court was irrefutably denied. Justice was served in the highest court sentencing the perpetrator to a moment of weakness that carries a sentence of eternity. The only hope for redemption can be found in the law of restitution whereby this defendant is ordered to compensate the claimant with nothing less than strength whereas any deviation there from will be considered a gross violation of probation and punishable by the confines of cowardice of conscience. Instead of community service it is back to the drawing board, sentenced to the basics, the fundamentals, and the tick tock of the lonely clock. This performance, a semblance of incapacitated struggle from the tyranny of unpreparedness, will forever burn the doubtful image and scorn an otherwise fair jury. Handcuffed and denied the right to perform by the gaping canyon separating mind from body. Just as an expert testifies in deviation from the planned execution of victory my body deviated from its predetermined performance leaving its counsel lost in unfettered disrepair.
    It went something like this:
    155 fail and redo
    185 fail and redo (All failures were due to the direction of the bar; once this was realized and fixed 185 went up easy. The fact that this fundamental principle was the perpetrator I stopped at this weight. Anything more would’ve been futile. At the highest level of expertise, weight should fail before form. It is purely amateur to fail at full snatch with a weight that can be power snatched.)
    225 (Form in this lift was extremely substandard and should’ve served as an omen of things to come. Nevertheless I ascended to a weight that I’ve done with no problem in the past)
    250 (Not low enough.)
    275 (Until it was pointed out I didn’t realize that my heel was flat to the ground, toe pointing out at 45 degrees, conveniently rotating my hip out, and causing a mangled tin can look. My split jerk requires reconstructive surgery.)
    295 (Incredulous yet I kept going, unable to accept failure)
    300 (Finally, accepting defeat the machine breaks down and fails to function as designed)
    Final thoughts: If you are going to fail, do so while going big. Don't settle for gun shot wounds when nuclear detonations will do. This chapter will do nothing more than strengthen my resolve and eventually lead to successful navigation through uncharted TERRORitory.
