Friday, January 29, 2010


event 1
1,500 mtr row

event 2
d-lift 289#
max reps in 3 min

event 3
50 burpees
25 thrusters 111#
25 hspu

event 4 (top 5 only)
50 dbl unders
30 box jumps 32"
50 dbl unders
15 hang snatches 111#
3 rnds

1 comment:

  1. Turbo J and I are competing in Charlottesville tomorrow. Wods are posted if anyone wants to entertain this. I expected a little more, i.e. a better blend of high performance measures but the cream, in this case, is in the competition and not the wods. As a wise man once told me, regardless of the wods, competition will make you go 110% in every rep in every exercise.
    Preparation: fair
    Strategy: none
    Potential obstacles: slow burpees and absolute failure on hspu
    Advantages: row and d-lift
    Mantra: murmaider
    Last rites:Work your way up and meet me at the top. Arm yourself with what courage you can, we might not make it out of this alive.
