Thursday, January 28, 2010


The somewhat dubious and arguably disputable quality of crossfit allows people who have little or no fitness background or experience to attend a two day seminar and then open a gym, charge membership, and tailor training regimens for clients of various abilities. I can't imagine being able to do the same in other activities. Even if you attended a month long martial arts camp with little or no experience efficacy as an instructor would be mild at best. Even so, the concept of crossfit does work, even for those who string together a bunch of random movements and execute at 90 mph. The truth is that for the average client just about anything will work. But now that crossfit is migrating to the next level and competitions of all shapes and sizes are proliferating more "average" clients are shifting gears and realizing that the experience is the best thing they can do for their training as it gives due attention to weaknesses. This puts a serious burden on trainers and gym owners to meticulously manage the herd and put a little more thought into the wods. In fact, I think clients should demand more out of their wods which places more burden on trainers to defend their reasoning or lack thereof. Whether it be specific goal oriented skills, metabolic systems, or chipper style suicide missions there is a necessity, in an evolving cf world, to put more thought into wods. The bottom line is that doing 500 burpees a day will elicit a fitness response to a limited degree but if we could do more with less then we should. It's not only better for clients but it makes for better trainers as well. Nobody questioned crossfit in the beginning. You did your first cindy and fell in love. It was a great tactic because most people regurgitated every word thereafter. Well, if you want to become a better trainer and athlete you'll take the good and move on. Instead of following the pack you might be better served figuring things out on your own and pursuing alternative sources. It's a great starting place but it's up to each and every one of us to finish the job and improve the product. Remember that the product is the wod. If your wods suck then your product sucks. Train, think, fight, eat, sleep, talk, walk, stare, move, glide, swing, and dance like the best and you'll perform like the best.


  1. Set DOG ZEBRA, material condition YOKE... Turbo J enroute!

  2. Thanks for the past year of thought provoking words and "wods". With an open mind I have digested and thouroughly enjoyed each and every post and as a result I believe my approach to training and definition of fitness has evolved into something new and far superior to that of what it was. In large part because of your efforts I feel farther down this path than ever before yet farther than ever from "arriving" at any artificial end point that I used to think existed. The deeper I look the more I learn and with this type of knowledge answers ofent times only lead to more questions. At this point I've almost lost sight of the original point of entry. For this little rabbit the grass, topsoil, and warmth of the sun are all a distant memory and far from sight. One would think this might be a place of fear or apprehension but the opposite seems to be true. Deep in the dirt it gets harder and harder to dig; things are darker, navigation is trickier, and unknowns seem to expose themselves at every sharp turn. but... the rewards are far greater, and the cup is gradually filling. I don't ever want it to be full and would prefer to be able to recall what's in it, at least the parts worth regular application. To do more with less is the key, efficiency and consistancy must become second nature if my progress is to continue, and if my goal has anything to do with your last sentence then self discipline must become me.


    - LAO-TZU

    I look forward to the next iteration of "324" and am in preparation to make the needed changes in order to keep up with the onslaught of work and wisdom. Thanks again for the challenge.

  3. Good points. We are either moving forward, or falling behind. Specialize. Adapt. Get better. Always.

