Thursday, January 7, 2010

nigerian shuffle 100mtrs
135# SDLHP x 10
burpees x 5
muscle ups x 3
3rnds 3min rest in btwn
30# vest rope climb
16# sledgehammer x 50


  1. The nigerian shuffle has nothing to do with the infamous underwear bomber. One of my coworkers told a story about seeing a guy in nigeria with no legs and a stacked upper body who shuffled down the streets, without the k-bells of course; hence, the nigerian shuffle. 400 mtrs would be a good distance. A mile would be interesting.

  2. hm. Im thinking about playing with this today.

  3. The options are endless, as with most of these wods; however, define your objectives and attack your weaknesses. I wanted to go a little heavier on the SDLHPs and go straight into ballistic burpees as opposed to deadman burpees. Doing an inordinate number of reps like in the filthy 50 doesn't give us an opportunity to employ all 12 cylinders. By lowering the reps we can learn to delay the rest and blend the movements with more efficiency. My objective with this wod was to prefatigue and go straight into muscle ups with minimal rest. They are definitely easier with rest. Can't wait to see you guys again in Feb.

  4. Sargent Dan is that you?
