Wednesday, January 6, 2010


rope slams x 25
abmat sit ups x 25

10 rnds for time


  1. 13:36
    Limiting factor is sit up speed. Recommend putting some duct tape or some other form of protection on your tailbone if you are vulnerable to the infamous sit up scab.

  2. turbo. 158bw. rx. 14:19

    After realizing the Filipino stick fighting division at the Kumata would be off limits, I was in need of a little personal salvation. Attempting to learn a foreign and complex skill, even under expert tutelage, can be mind numbingly frustrating. With a full day of futilely fanning myself behind a 27-inch piece of bamboo added to my resume, a little productivity was on the schedule. Fortunately, like a tractor beam radiating from the Death Star, my soul is drawn to the proving ground. There’s nothing foreign here, yet I’m uneasy, standing alone, awaiting deliverance.

    Could “Easy Day” have been misnomer? I approached this venture understanding the nature of rope slams. Their unique purpose on this planet to suck O2 stores from your happy lungs with the force of a commercial shop vac. Time spent on the ABMAT was the chance to regain some semblance of a normal respiratory pattern. This balance permitted uninterrupted, but oxygen deprived movement throughout the entire workout. Of note, ABMAT sit-ups have a peculiar characteristic, unlike other body weight exercises, pacing will not improve or sustain results in later rounds. When you reach that terminal point, the pace will slow, regardless of any efforts made to maintain capacity. The best policy is to move as fast as you can, as long as you can. The next 24-48 hours should prove a lactate love fest for the anterior abdominal wall.

  3. Well said. This was obviously a sit up wod. I smoked the rope slams as fast and hard as possible only to max the governer out on the sit ups. The rope slams, a total of 250, should have taken no longer than 250 seconds which is a little over four minutes; ergo, with a few seconds of transition, it took about nine minutes to do 250 situps. That just doesn't seem right, but it demonstrates the destructive power of binary movements. And to top it off, my abs are still sore!
