Wednesday, January 20, 2010


400 mtr run
115# power snatch/C2B pull ups
rest 3 min
500 mtr run
115# OH squats/ring dips
rest 3 min
115# full snatch/muscle ups


  1. The acid rain pounded the atomic city into submission, holding motivation captive to the forces of radioactive decay, and relegating general efficacy to an inordinate affinity for comfort. Why play poker with the nuclear mutants when a pillow bath seemed more apropos? Yes, I considered lining the bath tub with soft pillows and taking the sleep train into the future, leaving the present in the past, and transforming today into tomorrow. The persistent fallout from the sky etched a modicum of determination in my conscience and body followed mind into the PT Cruiser and off we went.
    This wod was an emotional roller coaster, one that would turn most theme parks into petting zoos. It was replete with peaks and valleys, highs and lows, complacent desert droughts and ambitous tidal waves. Final time was 31:57 if I remember correctly. The first evolution was smooth save for the unexpected breaks in the pull ups. The alternator must have been running all night because the motor was losing power somewhere and had to take more than one intermission. It's never a good thing when the assembly line shuts down. The second evolution was smooth and served as a quasi mental reprieve although the physical self-destruction was as insidious as ever. It seemed as though each evolution had a cumulative wear on the next, a veritable exponential sabotage. The third evolution was the most precipitous climb up Yucca mountain, looking for a chain reaction but quickly realizing that form outranks speed and pace unfolds accordingly. Muscle ups are always a challenge in the end of slugfest such as this one. The snatches finally started working as I toyed with different take off speeds, finally arriving at the conclusion the a smooth take off coupled with a stiff landing is key. It is imperative to drive the butt down as fast as possible, landing with active shoulders and limbs of steel. Watch youtube videos of real olympic lifters and visualize accordingly.
    Thanks again to sincity crossfit for allowing me to train and the state of Nevada for doing a good job with things in general.

  2. Holy VO2 max!! this workout was a punishment completely throughout. Just like you stated, the muscle-ups at the end were completely aggravating. there were multiple failed attempts which made the routine a workout in humility as well. The altitude has been a constant problem in every exercise. Because of the nature of our job here we have been decending to 1-2,000ft at least once a week for a few days then back up to 5k. So acclimitization has been nearly impossible which comes across in our performance in the gym. Oh well, no choice. we lowered the weight to 95 lbs because our form is so poor. the snatch is such a new exercise....come on that joke had to be made.

    bottom line:
    1st set:
    Bill- 8::43
    Dan- 11::03
    2nd set:
    bill- 4::45
    dan- 6::01
    3rd set
    Bill- 8::30
    dan- 7::45 (substituted ring pull-ups and dips for muscle ups)

    -bill in afghan

  3. the end of a training week, i called upon everything i had in the tank to push through this one. the accumulation peaked during the last couplet, where staying in the false grip and moving my carcass into the rings, was but all i could do.

    jesse. rx. 27:52
    tanner. rx. 25:05
    rh. rx. 25:35
    mk. 42:15
    times have 6 minute rest subtracted
