Saturday, January 2, 2010


amrap in 10min
350# d-lift x 2
hspu x 4
burpees x 5

rest 10min

1000mtr row
1 rnd, helen (400mtr run, 24kg k-bell swings x 21, pull ups x 12)
750mtr row
1 rnd, kelly (400mtr run, 20# wallball shots x 30, 24" box jumps x 30)
500mtr row
1 rnd, barbara (20 pull ups, 30 push ups, 40 sit ups, 50 squats)

group wod

1.5 x bdy wt d-lift x 30
1 rnd, helen
1.5 x bdy wt d-lift x 20
1 rnd, kelly
1.5 x bdy wt d-lift x 10
1 rnd, barbara


  1. I had planned on doing the squat clean thrusters. However, I am sore from the dnf yesterday. (Pretty dumb of me to think I could do it the next day anyways.)

    Did the amrap in 10 min.
    8rds rx

    part 2: 22:35 subbed as usual sdhlp for the row.

    The ice and snow made the 400m runs interesting.

    It is really amazing what you guys have going on.

    rob in ger.

  2. turbo. 158bw. rx. 12rnds / 20:26

  3. russ. 161bw. scaled DL to 315# (1RM is 345#...weak, i know). 9+ rounds / 22:57
