Sunday, November 1, 2009

225# front squat x 10
pull ups x 20
225# d-lift x 10
pull ups x 20
dbl unders x 50
row 500 mtrs
dbl unders x 50
pull ups x 20
225# d-lift x 10
pull ups x 20
225# back squat x 10
for time


  1. 12:14
    Not really a chipper nor a sprint. Relatively heavy weight with fundamental movements, higher rep movements with body weight, some coordination, and a simple 500 mtr row. Getting to the dbl unders was quick. The rower is relentless and so much more demanding than something like a run. The last set of dbl unders and pull ups slowed me down as I gassed out. It wasn't pretty but it was a good one after dealing with last week's limitations.

  2. 225 lbs front squats?!?!?! really....really?!?!

    I just got done with this workout but because of my equipment and skill limitations i had to supplement the rower (none on the base) for a 1::15 paced 400m run, and the dbl-unders for 18 inch box jumps (i am not good enough at dbl unders to keep up my heart rate or get anything out of them, i just make one jump, miss, and start over). had to start the workout with sets of 2's and 1's on the front squats because 10 was WAY out of my personal limitations. the rest of the workout i was able to move through without many pauses.

    end result: 13::06

    cooled down with stadium sprints and double under practice.

    thanks as always mike,

  3. Remember that no wod is the same unless it is the same. The most subtle change can change everything. There is nothing wrong with scaling or changing a wod. I think it's a good idea to meet your capabilities and get fit within your parameters. Essentially you're using it as a template to create your own customized wod. Many good wods can and should come from this practice.
    As for double unders. You have to pay your dues and put the time and effort into learning. Good call substituting. It is pointless to ask someone to do something they can't do and expect a quantifiable result. Double unders, for the challenged, are homework, warm up, and cool down. Put the time into it and open up your game a little bit. It might be a good idea to start with single, double, single, double etc until you can do consecutive doubles. Then test your limits and feel the fitness or lack thereof that is necessary to do a major double under wod like annie. They don't take a heavy toll on the body and can be performed every day. First comes skill; then comes fitness. Remember than it's all in the wrists, not the jump. Anyone can spring off their calves four or so inches but you have to coordinate a tight wrist whip so as to clear your jump. Forearms should be the weak link in this exercise.
    I'm not exactly sure about the actual benefits of the movement except for employing coordination under stress. They primarily serve as a saboteur, coupled with another exercise, making it mentally and physically difficult, to persist without doubling over and gasping for air. The other benefit, now that I think about it, is that it is easy to travel with a jump rope. You can couple the dbl under with just about anything and easily make life difficult. I have to warn though, it is possible to get burned out on the exercise.

  4. Mike
    Did this wod tonight, after main space wod this morning, had a little trouble with the Double Unders never been very good at those. I put it on vid 14:33.
