Saturday, October 31, 2009



  1. re-accomplished the "shop chipper" in a gym where i didnt have to run a basketball court distance in between every set. Box jumps were shorter, but i did dead hang pull-ups, so i will call it even. new time: 6::17

    then sparred via boxing since you were doing BJJ.

    thanks mike,

  2. Nice job! The learning curve or adaptation or whatever you want to call it is incredible when doing this type of training. I think it takes about three good attempts to dial your best time in. The only problem is that there is so much to do that it takes a good amount of time to repeat one of the special wods. On the other hand, I found that attempting to specialize was detrimental to my performance. The basic movements could be performed with more frequency but the high adrenaline wods require a little more care. As in other sports there is probably a genetic limit in crossfit but there is a longer learning curve due to the variety of movements, wods, and strategies. Progress happens at a steady pace.
    I've been sparring on Saturday's before BJJ. It's a different kind of fitness that requires technique and economy of motion. Sometimes I find myself completely gassed and can't figure out where I really feel it or what is actually working. It's an overall tension that goes away with more experience.

  3. yeah, i am not trying to specialize in "the shop chipper" but my internet was down and instead of wasting a bunch of time trying to think of a complicated workout i just pulled an old one out and reworked it. You are definitely right, the learning curve was apparent the second time as i realized what my strengths and weaknesses were so that this time around i knew where to pace and where to push. made for a better time, but what is the point of that? it won't make me a better contractor or pj, and i have no inclinations of being a pro-crossfitter if there ever was such a thing. But for this workout it helped me a lot. And any time i feel the "suck" in a workout it usually helps me in the long run.

    the sparing here has been awesome. we were doing BJJ for a few months but a huge ringworm outbreak and the end of the instructor's deployment ended that. but now there are a couple golden glove guys and one dude who used to be on the army boxing team out here to help train. any time you have an opportunity to add a new tool to your toolbox you should take it.


  4. I just had to let you know I appreciated the art work and the Halloween spirit displayed in your jack-o-lantern. = D

