Sunday, September 20, 2009


with work:rest ratio = 1:1

row (for calories)
135# push press
115# sdlhp
95# thrusters

1 comment:

  1. 86 calories
    I fell short of a pr by a few calories. Started to slow, relied on power, and had to make up for it. 20 seconds requires more turnover than power. This was a horrible beginning, sucking the life out of my rudely awakened body, and inviting me to walk away from today.
    pp 8-8-6-6-4-3-4--4 This made bad worse. I knew this was going to be too heavy but I wanted to fight with it for the sake of experiencing the intervals. I knew it wasn't practical to derive the tabata benefit with this much weight but it demanded diligence and form while seriously wanting to succumb to misery and quit.
    sdlhp 10-8-8-8-8-8-8-8 I started feeling better here, starting strong but progressively slowing down and utilizing more of the hip pop.
    8-8-8-8-6-6-6-6 I can only move so fast on this exercise. Straight 8s would be nice and a good goal but I broke down mentally. It's only 95#! How bad could it be?! I'm not sure if there is something lost in translation between the mind and body but today was an unsuspecting kick in the nuts, leaving me wondering what just happened, why, and very unsatisfied. Numbers are numbers and work is work but raw data is no match for intuition.
