Monday, September 7, 2009


135# squat cleans
ring dips

raise the standard and do it without removing your hands from the bar or rings during sets


  1. 6:04
    My goal was sub six. I fell short on the rings, lacking flow and continuity. It's my own fault for hanging them too low and not getting full kipping extension with my legs. Such is life.
    I pushed the squat cleans to my form's limit. If I felt any change in my posterior chain that would ultimately compromise the points of performance I rested. On one set I think my legs almost gave out all together, as they did when I walked away. The collateral damage from this wod was worse than fran, a feeling I don't care to replicate. I couldn't walk this one off as I usually prefer to do yet it was too painful to sit still, hence the writhing on the floor in an irritating puddle of misery. My legs suffered the same type of painful blood-gorged swell that fran elicits in the forearms.
    Elizabeth is a slow and creeping death that, when realized, it's already too late.

  2. Mike
    I am confused, hardcore workouts, hardcore music, and stuffed animals.

  3. I didn't even notice. Good eye!
