Monday, August 10, 2009

rowing out of gas

500 mtrs
rest 3-5 min

1 comment:

  1. 1:30
    The only thing worse than rowing is rowing when your body doesn't want to row. How do you and your body come to an agreement? How do you convince your body to do what it simply doesn't want to do? The rower is unforgiving. If I am not at 100% the rower will more than eloquently point out my shortcomings. There is no hiding, beating around the bush, or backdooring my way to capable times. The bottom line is that the monitor is like a mirror reflecting nothing short of the truth. There is no interpretation when using the rower to measure fitness. Rowing is absolute discomfort and, at less than 100%, absolute frustration. I have to wonder if rowing 100% effort at 80% strength is even beneficial. I found the answer on the last set. Quickly realizing how far my times were off and how horrible I felt I rowed the final thousand within the capacity of my strength while focusing on good form. Although it was the slowest time it was probably the most beneficial. Bulldozing towards times is not smart if your body is not amenable as short cuts and infractions will inevitably lead to injury.
