Friday, July 3, 2009

d-lift/hang power clean
front squats/pushpress

1 comment:

  1. 6:34
    Based on my calculations my goal was sub6. Unfortunately I bailed early on a few of the pushpress sets and consequently cost myself the difference in time. My first reaction was to attribute my lack of vigor to yesterday's muscle ups. Then I considered the absurdity of such a proposition. It's difficult to ignore the gross reality of the application of this type of training. Can you imagine if the world's factories blamed their lack of production on the previous day's work or if, during the time of war, the assaulters could only assault every other day in order to be rested and ready for peak performance? The examples of such absurd thinking are endless. The truth is that training at a disadvantage will prepare you for anything. If you are training as though your life depends on it then your probably walking around at 80% but your 80% is more capable than most average mortal's 100%. It would be nice if the mugger caught us in that tenuous sliver of readiness when we were at 100% but the reality is that muggers don't mug people like us. Just as animals in nature do, they prey on the weak and have the uncanny ability to sniff out fear. Go so hard that "hard" beomes easy and hard is barely conceivable to the rest of the world. Leave the pack behind or follow them off the cliff. If it was easy, everyone would do it.
