Tuesday, July 28, 2009


12 burpees
12 pull ups
10 rnds for time

1 comment:

  1. 18:04, 18 seconds slower than the last time I did this wod but more than twice as crushed. My thermometer read 95 degrees but I think the track reflected something more akin to doing burpees in a frying pan. My goal was to sacrifice time for unbroken sets but at round seven I fell apart and actually witnessed my soul depart my body as it sought solace else where. If I didn't think I was already there I would've sought refuge in hell just to cool down. One of the most fascinating aspects of doing this type of training is the unpredictability of performance, the inexplicable consequences, and the unforeseeable roads and deserts that obstruct our ostensibly predictable paths. I guess the truth is that we never know when the grim reaper is going to visit us. Whether it's in a wod or in our sleep the only thing we have control over is whether or not we go out without a fight. Although I frequently bemoan the idea of training alone what I've learned is that I no longer fear that dark place that is generally reserved for exploring with another person. I'm not sure if it's possible for a person to push themselves on their own, especially considering the fact that most records are broken in competition. This still doesn't keep me out of the fight. I consider it training at a disadvantage so when competition does ensue I'll be ready. Thanks to Cliff for joining me in today's scorcher.
