Impeccability begins with a single act that has to be
deliberate, precise and sustained. If that act is repeated long
enough, one acquires a sense of unbending intent which can be
applied to anything else. If that is accomplished the road is
clear. One thing will lead to another until the warrior realizes
his full potential. Carlos Casteneda
Are we too extreme in our fitness pursuits? Do we apply too much energy, attention, and dedication to something that the average person views as trivial? Reread the quote but this time consider what you really do in the gym and how it migrates into other areas of your life. The truth is that the gym, although it may appear this way, is not an end in its self but a means to an end. It is the laboratory where our mettle is tested daily (if it isn't then you should find a new gym). The gym is where we train our reaction to physical and emotional stress. The gym is a controlled environment where we are able to confront the unknown and prepare for it in a moment's notice. The gym is where we shed our superfluous layers of our persona and let the caged beast out to run free. The gym is our yard time, the freedom from the prisons we entertain daily. The gym is our canvass where we express ourselves, ultimately in pursuit of our magnum opus. The gym is our desolate proving grounds where we engage in the latest R & D on our willing minds and bodies. The gym is our playground that brings back the curious mobility of childhood. The gym is our church where we apply a steadfast dedication to effective ritual. The gym is where most of our battles are won or lost. The gym is the platform from where we stand to confront life's twists and turns and in so doing apply the same attitude and approach we've been cultivating. The gym is our heaven and our hell. It demands more of something we think we don't have but time and again proves us wrong, forever redefining our limitations and possibilities. It's always there, waiting in silence while we sleep. It follows us, living in our mind, and manifesting itself in our gate, in our speech, our attitude, our posture, and our sense of efficacy. What we learn in the gym we carry in our pockets. We take it to work. We take it home. We take it to school, to the park, to meetings, to interviews, to war, and to the grave in the form of our reputation. Although you can't see it, other people notice. We are the landscape.
Realizing our full potential is a daunting and lonely journey. Few people ever make the trip. The gym is the best and most fundamental medium to kick off such a lofty endeavor. Remember that impeccability begins with a singl act, done with deliberation and precision. The fundamental attributes found in victory are born the gym.
I miss my coach/motivator/training partner!
ReplyDeleteBill from Jax (now West Palm)