Saturday, May 2, 2009

back in the saddle

185# clean and jerk x 30 for time

rest 5 min

10 chest to bar pull ups
20 clapping push ups
30 sit ups

3 rnds with 3 min rest in btwn

1 comment:

  1. 6:24
    The best way to get back into the swing of things is to do something I've never done. I know I posted some rubbish this week compared to the usual but I had limited resources and wouldn't have been able to take my own medicine. This wod was too hard to be painful. It required persistence and attention to form whereas 135# is a matter of generating enough steam to endure the pain. In other words there are race weights and battle weights. This was just an ugly battle. Two reps had questionable lock outs. I started off bringing the weight back to the waist in order to initiate a touch and go but couldn't maintain it for ten reps.
    My push ups failed me or I failed them I guess. In addition to doing something I've never done (the first wod) I didn't want to give myself the luxury of stopping at just that. No matter what we do, we can always do more.
    Tomorrow will be better.
