Monday, April 20, 2009

from sincity

10 rounds of:

double unders
53lbs clean n jerk
53lb walking lunge

In this workout you move through each of three stations for a minute. It’s a three minute round with one minute break in between. One point is given for each rep. Clean n Jerk reps can be split any way between arms. Weight can be carried any way on lunge.

1 comment:

  1. 834 or 6
    I can't remember. Since the first wod with sincity and ever since I have had to make an effort to look at my score before leaving. I rarely remember it when I get back to the hotel; hence, the garbled posts. The truth is that I don't care. I'm not against scores. They certainly have their place but I'm in a different metaphysical place right now. Where I go during a workout is more important than my score. If I didn't go somewhere I've never been, if I didn't learn something about myself, even if I got a good score then it was all for naught. Scores may boost my self-esteem but they don't make me who I am. In a perfect world my score should reflect where I've been but the world is far from perfect. I'm not a cyborg. I like to think I am but I have more weaknesses than strengths. The difference is that I have no shame in attacking them in an eternal uphill battle. For me, training is more than scores, it's the brief interlude between life and collapse; it's about pursuing the coward within and flat lining; it's transcending my body's attempt at maintaining equilibrium; it's about exploring that short uncomfortable episode, and then drowning in the cascade of chemicals in the end.

    “If you can't excel with talent, triumph with effort.”
    -Dave Weinbaum
